Beyond Healing Institute
Beyond Healing Institute is a group of learners dedicated to the evolution of humanity through the embodiment of safety in connection. Here at BHI we are committed to training therapists and healers, supervision, consultation, content creation, and direct client care. This vision is for the purpose of shaping the theoretical posture of healers to facilitate the evolution of individuals and communities toward integrated functioning. Within BHI you will hear about Beyond Healing Network, our Trainings, and Additional Resources.

Beyond Healing Community
Beyond Healing Community is a free global community of committed partners who have devoted themselves to embodying the theory, culture, and practice of Beyond Healing. Beyond Healing Community is a community space where everyone can come to learn and connect.

Continuing Education
Beyond Healing Institute is a NBCC ACEP provider and EMDRIA approved training center that can assign continuing education offerings for professional counselors and/or advanced EMDRIA credit to anyone who is EMDR trained. Check out our live and asynchronous training offerings.

Professional and Clinical Consultation
Interested in connecting with the hosts of the Notice That, Beyond Trauma, or Evidence Based Therapist podcasts? Could you use some support conceptualizing your most challenging cases? Wondering what it is really like running your own practice? All of these topics and more can be found in the Beyond Healing Institute consultation offerings. We would love to connect with you! Check out our structured consultation offerings or contact us with an individual request.
Get in touch with Beyond Healing
The search for support on your healing journey can be a challenging one. At Beyond Healing, we value each person’s humanity and the life experiences that shaped them to be who they are today. Trauma is not the end of our journey, we would love to join you on your journey to heal.